Monday, February 28, 2011

March... In like a Lion...

So Friday, we had a snow day - I'm guessing the last one of the year.  I think it was a gift, but Jim said the roads were a sheet of ice when he went to work.  By the afternoon, it was almost balmy so I sent the kids out to play.  Will and Charlie went to the Stampers for a snow ball fight and Bridget and Henry went out to the backyard.  They had fun rooting around in the snow but I'm not sure the 30 minutes it took me to get them bundled up was worth the 30 minutes they were outside! 

And in Ohio, it can turn on a dime!  Sunday we were able to get outside and enjoy the fresh air!  Thank God!  We opened a few windows to air out the winter germs and the house smelled so good.  Will schooled Dad on the basketball court and Bridget got right back to pedaling her bike.  The rains moved in around dinnertime and went on into the night flooding the backyard.  What a mess!  So far, the sump pump is still moving the water but it's going to take awhile for all of this to soak in.  And the wet and muddy dog feet,... uggg!  We ended the night with a fire in the fireplace - maybe the last for the winter. 

Charlie went to play with Alex this afternoon and stayed for dinner.  They had beef stroganoff and Charlie tried a mushroom!  He said it just tasted mushy and like a piece of fat from the meat.  Ya, not my favorite "veggie" either Charlie!  But I sure am proud of you for trying it!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Will's Basketball Game

So tonight, Will had his game that was the first of the tournaments.  They won the game 34-26.  It was a "nail biter" says Charlie!  The team they played had beat them before, so we knew it would be close.  Next Saturday, they go on to play in the semi-finals.  Will played very well.  You know, there's always drama when it comes to keeping four children safe and in one place, so I'll tell you the funny story of the night.  Grandma Mary and Grandpa Ken came with us - we had dinner before the game where Charlie struggled to get a bite of brocolli down and Grandma felt pretty badly for him.  But we got to the game pretty early and Grandma and I decided to go get a coffee while we waited.  Before we left, Bridget decided she had to go to the potty which was GREAT news as this has been a battle of wills!  She went - Yay!  But Henry also had a case of the runs while in the bathroom, and we had to clean him up and throw away the undies.  Yikes.  We get everyone together again and run to Starbucks.  When we get back to the game, Charlie, Bridget and Henry go tromping up the bleachers and across the other side.  Charlie swings down between the metal handrail, dropping to the floor, Bridget follows and cracks her head.  A small cut that could use a stitch, but we clean up the blood and carry on.  Next, Henry has another blowout (going commando mind you) and Dad takes him to the potty to clean him up.  PS - the game hasn't even started yet!  In a few minutes, Dad and Henry come back, but Henry is wearing only his shirt and  So, recap.  Bridget is bleeding from the head, Henry is naked from the waist down.  Hey everyone, let's root for Will and could someone run out to the van for the extra pair of pink sweats and cinderella underwear for Henry??  In the end it was a victory for the team - both the basketball team and team Brandol.  We all made it home in one piece and stopped for ice cream on the way home to boot! 
Way to go Will!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

You can thank Carla for this later!

Today Carla came over to share her new book - print form of her blog over the past three years.  I was so impressed and proud of her for giving her children the gift of her words that I had to start myself.  I have begun "journals" several times, but I have not followed through.  I get hung up on the past - feel like I have to explain what has brought me/us to this point that I don't just write down the present.  So I'm going to do this - I'm going to write down the good and the bad, the funny things that happen, that are said, the frustrating parts of being a parent, but mostly, the joys of being a parent.  I want you guys, my children, to know what it was like on a daily basis.  I have always wished I knew what it was like growing up,...I know my sisters and I had a wonderful childhood, that we fought about silly things, that we were loved, but I want more for you all.  I want you to know the little things that make raising this family so special.  I want to share with you the little joys that shape my life.  One day, I picture the four of you sitting around reading these books and remembering things we did, reminded of daily occurances and thanking me for taking the time to document it all.  Well, as I said, you can thank Carla for this.  I love you all and hope you will appreciate this gift.