Saturday, February 26, 2011

You can thank Carla for this later!

Today Carla came over to share her new book - print form of her blog over the past three years.  I was so impressed and proud of her for giving her children the gift of her words that I had to start myself.  I have begun "journals" several times, but I have not followed through.  I get hung up on the past - feel like I have to explain what has brought me/us to this point that I don't just write down the present.  So I'm going to do this - I'm going to write down the good and the bad, the funny things that happen, that are said, the frustrating parts of being a parent, but mostly, the joys of being a parent.  I want you guys, my children, to know what it was like on a daily basis.  I have always wished I knew what it was like growing up,...I know my sisters and I had a wonderful childhood, that we fought about silly things, that we were loved, but I want more for you all.  I want you to know the little things that make raising this family so special.  I want to share with you the little joys that shape my life.  One day, I picture the four of you sitting around reading these books and remembering things we did, reminded of daily occurances and thanking me for taking the time to document it all.  Well, as I said, you can thank Carla for this.  I love you all and hope you will appreciate this gift.

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